- Innovative Tool Used to Capture Instant Response of the Participants.
- Generate Graphs of the Response for Discussions and Better Understanding
- Enable Engagement of the Participants with Various Interactions and Activities.
- Use of Relevant and Customized Videos to Increase Attention of the Participants.
- Practice Kirkpatrick's Four Levels of Training Evaluation.
- We Help Organizations to Implement the Same and Assess Business Impact.
- Relevant Projects for Participants to Implement the Learnings.
Competency Assessment
- Develop competency Dictionary for each role.
- Derive Required Proficiency Levels (RPL).
- Identify Current Proficiency Levels (CPL).
- Map Training Needs.
Training Evaluation
Implement Kirkpatrick’s four Levels of Training Evaluation.
Measure the Impact of Training at all Levels.
Measure ROI and Business Impact of the Trainings.
Automate the Complete Process.
Training MIS Automation
- Web and Android application.
- Automate Training MIS Process.
- Pre & Post Test.
- Training Feedback.
- Capture Attendance.
- Remove Paperwork.
- Generate Various Reports.
Learning Management System (LMS)
- Implement LMS (Learning Management System) Application.
- Assigning Relevant E-Learning Modules to your Employees.
- Develop customized E-Learning Modules in 2D & 3D Animation Formats Based on the Content provided by the Smes.